Hi. I’m Carrie Christopher. I’ve had this URL since around 2004 and an evolving vision of what “the soul clinic” is for me.

Early on it was a vision for a spiritual healing practice that centered around my psychopomp work — holding space while people crossed over, helping the stuck ones get unstuck, and Buddhist practices around Pho and Chod, contemplative end of life care.

But my practice and experiences evolved to exploring our connection with nature, climate grief, and privately navigating my own little deaths — marriage, business, sangha, community, family — in the bardo between what once was and what will be.

All this time I was (and still am) working in the corporate world doing sustainability and climate work and driving for transparency and global harmonization in corporate reporting standards so we can really measure and see impacts.

So I walk between those worlds as well — an intuitive, a lover of nature, a sometimes exhausted female executive, an ordained Spiritualist Minister, a Buddhist without a sanga, and a person who has been there and back again.

I have a lot of stories in me. I cheated death twice in 2022 — riding a horse through quicksand, then getting long covid complications less than a month later. And the stillness of recovery where my heart and lungs healed.

I’m alot of things, but one of the main throughlines in this lifetime is creativity, veneration of nature, and a lot of travel between the seen and unseen realms. That’s where the magic happens.

My themes for 2023 are emerging, becoming and integrating these disparate parts of me. So this is where I am going to put it. The limnal downloads. The words, images and sounds.

While I hope you enjoy this site, I created it for me. To build the discipline and experience the satisfaction of pressing “send” and creating then releasing and creating again.

Thank you for stopping by — Carrie Christopher
Site launched on Lhosar, 2023

  • Words.

    Quick sketch blogging about creativity, clairoyance, climate, underworld journeys, pop culture, dream time and the limnal spaces in between. Riding a horse into quicksand and getting out; death-walking my mother; the power of a one-quarter turn; S.F. punk clubs in the eighties; being the paid psychic at the Boulder High School prom; watching the gurus fall (or flee the country) as #metoo meets the dharma; life as a female corporate climate strategist in tech; and venerating the sacred spaces in the wild Osha groves of the Colorado Rockies. Braided essays, magical realism, the heroine’s journey, nature writing.


  • Images.

    I like to paint, draw, sculpt and capture images from everyday life. Here is an offering from my work and things I notice while out in the world.


  • Sounds.

    Since my college radio days, I’ve always loved capturing field recordings, mixing and layering found sounds and sharing the aural landscapes from people, streams, forests and airports. I like to record the sounds of rivers, wind, and the wild places in nature; walking, talking, airports and trains. Sound Cloud snippets from London to Milan, Crestone to Iceland.
